Recent Video Showing a Scene of Open Heart Surgery with Technique of Acupuncture Anesthesia, Prof. Satyanegara 黄金城教授 Finds it Challenging

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Cakrawala Merah, Jakarta – Neurosurgery Expert, Professor Satyanegara or 黄金城 教授  wishes to learn about acupuncture anesthesia in which the technique would assist the surgery to keep people survived. Many people who have had a heart attack undergo thrombolysis, a procedure that involves injecting a clot-dissolving agent to restore blood flow in a coronary artery.

“If acupuncture anesthesia can work against many people who have had a heart attack, I wish to learn. It is very challenging for me,” said 黄金城教授Acupuncture anesthesia is still used in China for some surgeries, such as craniotomy and thyroidectomy. However, it’s not as commonly used for open heart surgery as it was in the 1970s. The BBC documentary The Science of Acupuncture featured a scene of open heart surgery in a Chinese hospital recently. In the scene, doctors used a combination of acupuncture and conventional pain relief instead of a general anesthetic. Another such treatment is, a patient who has had Parkinson’s disease, a progressive brain disorder that causes movement problems, mental health issues, and other health concerns.

Acupuncture anesthesia is still used in China for some surgeries, such as craniotomy and thyroidectomy. However, it’s not as commonly used for open heart surgery as it was in the 1970s. The BBC documentary The Science of Acupuncture featured a scene of open heart surgery in a Chinese hospital recently. In the scene, doctors used a combination of acupuncture and conventional pain relief instead of a general anesthetic. Another such treatment is, a patient who has had Parkinson’s disease, a progressive brain disorder that causes movement problems, mental health issues, and other health concerns.

“Seizures occur in the area of the patient’s brain, controlling vision, movement or speech. And the patient is awake, conscious and alert when doctors perform surgery. One of my staff in Mayapada hospital (Lebak Bulus area, south Jakarta), dr. Nia Yuliatri has ever performed awake brain surgery two times, and it proved successful,” said 黄金城教授

The recent demonstrations of acupuncture was astonishing, of a Chinese hospital in which doctors perform open heart surgery on a young woman – using a combination of acupuncture and conventional pain relief instead of a general anaesthetic. In China,  acupuncture is used alongside western medicine and, at times, as a replacement. for most conditions and illnesses acupuncture cannot be shown to work – scientists have, intriguingly, uncovered a number of conditions relating to chronic pain in which they can be fairly certain that acupuncture is having a powerful effect.

“When I was still studying neurosurgeon and and studying for Doctor of Medical Science, Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Tokyo Japan, they (doctors in Japan) also have ever performed general surgery since 50-60 years ago,” said 黄金城教授

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