Cakrawala Merah, Jakarta – The reason why the Aero Villa project in an integrated beach resort, Tanjung Lesung (Pandeglang regency, Banten province) progressed excruciatingly slowly, was unveiled by Indonesia Flying Club (IFC). The project has been initiated by an existing front part of the aero cluster zone with asphalt road construction. The aero cluster zone (with asphalt construction) was accomplished in 2023, and has received the ICAO airport code or location indicator is a four-letter code designating aerodromes around the world.
“So many people wonder why the progress is excruciatingly slow and why the cost is expensive,” the founder of IFC, Sigit Samsu told the editor
Tanjung Lesung’s airstrip has its 600 meter runways, was built by PT Banten West Java (BWJ) as the developer company, after Tanjung Lesung had been developed basically with the special economic zone (SEZ) since 20 years ago. During the meeting between the board of directors (BoD) of BWJ and IFC President in 2000. The two parties made an agreement that IFC would organize a range of joy flights, of fun and breathtaking flying experiences to attract visitors to the resort.
The flight would start from IFC’s airport in Pondok Cabe area, south Tangerang to Tanjung Lesung. IFC was also willing to establish a hangar for the aircraft in Tanjung Lesung.
At IFC, members can practice for navigation while also planning a cross-country trip. The activities (of IFC’s members) are helpful to increase tourism and develop hangars for the flyers, enthusiasts, instructors and advisors in Tanjung Lesung’s aero cluster.
Sigit Samsu admitted that flying experience with Cessna 172 accommodating four persons was not cheap. It may cost around 15 million rupiah (around 938 US Dollar) for two trips flying, covering 70 nautical miles. It requires flying hours (for flyers) 40 – 50 minutes normally from Pondok Cabe airport to Tanjung Lesung.
Another reason is expensive, Sigit Samsu has a rough calculation which is actually a bit complicated. There is a cost to fuel the aircraft, namely aviation gasoline which is not cheap. Besides, there is a cost of maintenance reserve, insurance, navigation, ground support, etc. maintenance cost of any aviation, is based on the liter.
Besides that, we are supposed to calculate the benefit of flying as an investment. So there is an amortized cost which is the value of a financial asset or liability on a balance sheet. It’s calculated by spreading out the cost of an asset over its useful life. Amortization can also refer to the process of paying off debt over time.
“Flying as a hobby, investment that we keep all our money in terms of deposits on the activities whenever we are interested in aviation,” said Sigit Samsu.